Members of the Fractal team coined the phrase “sovereign voter fraud” after analyzing over a dozen states’ voter rolls. It became apparent that even the greatest latitude for incompetence could not justify what Fractal found in current data rolls.
A Secretary of State or Election Commission has a budget in the tens of millions of dollars. So why in about every state is this the state of election rolls?
- Voters registered in frat houses – who are 106 years old.
- Hundreds to thousands of current, active voters who are far older than George Washington?
- Voters registered in a U.P.S. box and who vote regularly.
- Voters who live in what appears to be a church but has no housing units attached.
- Voters who live in a hotel, who, when called said nobody is there for more than a week.
The state of voter rolls is so appalling that if those were the databases of a commercial enterprise, people would be fired for incompetence.
In several states, the public data, searched with Fractal, showed the election commission – elected officials – illegally changed voter rolls after the legal date. 22,000 new voters were added – most after the legal date. Zip codes of 33,000 voters were changed just when mail-in ballots were sent out.
Confidence in voter rolls is a national goal – voters in every state are demanding it.
Fractal has demonstrated how its real-time capability monitors voter rolls so closely it eliminates any chance that even the voter commission can commit acts against the public’s interest.
This visibility gives confidence to voters that their elected officials are as honest as the voters hoped!