Who We Are

Omega4America is a FractalWeb.App microsite, demonstrating how state governments can deploy advanced quantum result technology to identify Medicaid and program roll fraud.

REAL TIME FRACTAL technology enables states to solve identity fraud problems no current technology can economically address.

Identity fraud exists in Medicaid, WIC, voter rolls and virtually every state program.  Identity fraud saps state governments out of billions of dollars a year.  Identity fraud, or even bad data, has made citizens suspicious about current government programs.

Anomalous identity issues are a result of obsolete, SQL relational technology – which due to its limitations – both allow and encourage bad actors to game the system.

What is Fractal technology?

We work with individual state legislators and government executives building demonstration projects – on their state’s publicly available rolls – to identify, freeze and fix identity fraud issues in their states!

Voter roll anomalies – FEC Contribution Mules – Medicaid Fraud Bad Actors?  We find them in partnership with state legislators and executives BEFORE they cause more harm!


FractalWeb.App is 100% American owned, headquartered in Austin, Texas, funded by software license revenue.

Current Compute Technology At End Of Life

“By 2025, traditional computing technologies will hit a digital wall…As conventional silicon processors approach performance, economic and sustainability limits, they will limit digital initiatives and innovation, thereby limiting the growth of the business. New computing technologies … will begin to take their place. As these new technologies mature, they will become increasingly available and more affordable for businesses to begin experimentation.”    

                                                    Gartner Strategic Predictions for 2021 And Beyond

The Fractal team uses innovative new technologies like Similarity Search, Artificial Intelligence, Fractal to cross search state government databases finding fraud actors, duplicates or just providing modern data cleansing  –  saving states up to 50% of their information tech costs.

Applications that would cost millions of dollars and take over a year to build with current tech – can be delivered with Fractal – in 90 days or less – for about 1/10th current costs.

Fractal delivers quantum compute results with current hardware – with applications converted in a quarter.

Similarity Search identifies bad actors modifying their names or addresses to avoid detection.

Artificial intelligence address matching creates ONE address for EVERY property in the state insuring there is a SINGLE SOURCE OF TRUTH for all state program rolls.

Voter rolls are compared with property tax rolls – finding ineligible registrations – at a bank or Manchurian restaurant.  The Minimum Viable Product – published by Fractal, is the LEAST every state SHOULD do to deliver fully transparent voter rolls!

Federal Election Commission rolls are compared with state addresses and FAKE contributions – often hundreds from one person, each $49 or less, identified with one click.

Some of our team members built the eBay fraud detection engine, stopping on-line auction fraud that eluded neural nets and conventional relational, SQL fraud technology.

Some of our technology was used in the TSA No-Fly List to identify terrorists who changed all their identifiers to avoid detection and attack commercial air traffic.

Our technologies were used by most of the Top 10 property casualty insurers to thwart auto accident fraud rings: GEICO, USAA, State Farm.

Our team found Medicaid fraud in state Medicaid rolls – often committed by organized doctor/lawyer rings.

Our team received 6 patents for Similarity Search, essentially inventing this new compute paradigm.

We develop artificial intelligence (AI) apps, for instance, to measure equipment electrical loads – running at 200 million transactions per second.

Large commercial office buildings measure temperature and power usage every second to perfectly tune power consumption and minimize cost.

In 2021 former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke asked us to review Wisconsin voter rolls – as citizens questioned a national election.

We applied technology and compared “snapshots” of voter rolls – from different dates.  For the first time, every change to every voter roll was made available for public scrutiny.

Using Fractal technology, we process many databases – every one of which is from 5% incorrect to over 50% incorrect.

Incorrect databases are a disaster for SQL relational.  Not for Fractal.  Fractal cross searches many databases against EVERY address in a county to determine if that address is a valid voter address or Medicaid provider location.

Why County Property Tax Records Are The Future To Clean State Rolls?

Fractal reconciles voter rolls with property tax rolls – flagging voters living in a Walmart or 7-11.

Fractal technology enables voter rolls in any state to be visible to its citizens, matched against property rolls, DMV records, death records, and any other data the state wishes to use – in seconds.

Every change – to every voter roll – by any person – is 100% auditable – from a phone!

The cost is 1/10th that of current relational tech.

Such visibility with current technology is impossibly costly – not with the Fractal applications.

The Fractal team can implement any state, any program, with daily, even hourly real-time updates of every change, in days at a cost 1/10th what it would cost with current obsolete SQL technology.

Fractal created the UnDeliverable Ballot Database™- the single most secure reporting of what addresses should receive a mail-in ballot – and which should not.

We are demonstrating how to add the FEC (Federal Election Commission) rolls to find “contribution mules” who make thousands of illegal donations in every state.

We add Medicaid rolls to demonstrate how Medicaid fraud and election anomalies may be linked.  To date, no state has been able to do this kind of “super compute.”

Join us here as we show leading states how to apply tomorrow’s advanced quantum result technology to clean fraud from government systems through 100% transparency – give confidence to citizens – at a cost so low it cannot be matched by any conventional technology!

If you are a STATE LEGISLATOR or program executive and want to show colleagues massive anomalies in your state’s program rolls, costing your state millions of dollars a year – we can do a DEMONSTRATION PROJECT for you!

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