Fractal For States

Every state has massive databases of voters, Medicaid recipients, DMV licensees residing in scores of other complex systems.

Do they reconcile?

Not a state in America can reconcile its program roll addresses against its property tax records, DMV files or other databases – instantly, in real time.

Does the state have Medicaid/Medicare providers working out of fake addresses like a convenience store?

Fractal shows this – with one click across billions of identities and claims – on a computer the size of a shoe box!

No state can currently compare every Medicaid recipient, down to the claim level, against related databases – thus uncovering fraud rings and ineligible recipients – instantly from a phone.

Fractal for states is educating state legislatures on how disruptive new technology can compare any and all state databases against each other – real time – with instant response time – to reconcile them with the fidelity expected from major public companies.

The Fractal team works with INDIVIDUAL state legislators and program executives to PROVE to their colleagues how challenged their state rolls are!

Confidence comes through REAL TIME visibility to program rolls – seeing any change – reporting new participants and deleting ones who have moved or died.

Fractal for states is about bringing states and counties the most powerful address matching, program roll cleaning system available –  Medicaid fraud detection – at a cost so low anyone can afford it.


Fractal delivers:

  1. Real time views of ALL state government rolls, from a digital device.
  2. Time series analysis of multiple copies of voter rolls and other government rolls – to see what changed = 100% audit ability.
  3.  The Undeliverable Ballot Database™- the most accurate database of every address – determining if it can receive a ballot or not.
  4. Comparison of program addresses with property tax records to identify ineligible recipients.
  5. FEC address cross search – identifying contribution mules for law enforcement.
  6. Medicaid, Payroll Protection Program or any other government program fraud identification.
  7. Fractal can stand up any state system in 30 – 45 days – at a cost 1/10th of traditional technology.
  8. The Fractal team will build a demonstration system for any state where its officials are seriously looking to update program technology, search out program fraud or reconcile multiple systems and databases.

No state should have to suffer with the costs, complexities and limitations of current relational/SQL systems.

Let the Fractal team show you your state – your data – in Fractal

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