Ballot Modification

A voting ballot creates an event in time.  When that ballot is cast, there are no longer changes made to it.

One would think this to be true, but one would be wrong.

The Fractal team worked with voter integrity teams in multiple states and identified ballots that were cast, then changed days later. 

How can this happen?

Fractal teams use a technique called “snapshot analysis.”  A copy of the cast ballot voter roll is taken every day and accumulated to the prior day’s list.

In a major city, on day 1, there may be 100,000 ballots cast. 

The ballot roll shows the name (not how they voted) of the 100,000 persons who voted.  It shows if they showed up in person or cast an absentee ballot.  It shows if they are a same day registration.

On day 2, another 100,000 people vote, thus the ballot list now shows 200,000 cast ballots.  On day 17, the list grows to 1,700,000.

Each day is a snapshot.  On day 17, the person who voted on day 1, is reported 17 different times.

If that person voted in person on day 1, there is no way their method of voting should ever change throughout snapshots to day 17.

But they do!

Fractal compares every voter, how they voted, across every snapshot.

The Fractal team found voters who voted in person in snapshot 2. 

They appeared in snapshhots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and disappeared in snapshot 7.  They reappeared in snapshot 11, and their vote was changed from in person to absentee.

Ballots should never change after being cast.  Nor should the identities of those who cast them.  They should not disappear and then reappear.

Unfortunately, these change and until now were invisible to election integrity watch dogs.

Making this kind of information auditable, with the same standards used in corporate financial reporting is a requirement for any representative democracy.

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